How you may be feeling:
Life is feeling lack luster
Creativity feels blocked
Self sabotaging your success
High stress or anxiety
Unable to move beyond undesirable habits
Frequent irritability
Persistent feeling of dissatisfaction at work
Allow me to support you to gain clarity and focus. Discovering new perspectives of your perceived challenges. While supporting you to stay accountable while moving beyond any negative patterns holding you back from your extraordinary life! <3

Heather was referred to me by a friend that had been working with her for some time
I noticed such a softening and gentleness in him and asked him what it was he was doing to create such personal change.
I also have been able to remove many layers of armouring and I feel a peacefulness that I had never experienced before.

Heathers work has enabled me to honour myself and my thoughts and feelings and I have made many life changing decisions with a courage and a conviction that I had not known before.

In Heathers presence I feel her love and acceptance and know that I am being cared for on all levels
Change and growth can be frightening but with Heathers guidance I now view them as exciting and challenging
I am forever grateful to this beautiful human

Judy, Canada

Intuitive Life Coach

"How would your life change if you woke up tomorrow knowing you are enough?
You have everything you need, you just have to believe it!"
- Heather Lauzon
I came to Heather to help me with some concerns about the logistics of starting my new creative business making and selling clay art, Sacred Coast Ceramics. I came to her with an energetic hesitancy that was subtly sabotaging my success in sales (i had the mental block that I was going to be overwhelmed if too many people ordered my product.). She was a guide to me in a new arena of life that I had minimal knowledge in. She provided me with guidance in the form of unblocking myself as well as a whole bunch of tangible business solutions so I could manifest the success that was so close! I am implementing these suggestions and am already seeing the energetic shift and my business is steadily gaining momentum.
- Stephanie Bergman

Move forward... and recognise your strengths.
I believe we all are here to live beyond the walls of ordinary. Life is an extraordinary experience!
However lets face it, this human experience can be challenging to navigate, but I don't believe we came here to settle. The possibilities that await you truly are endless you just have to be open to seeing them and fearless in reaching for them.
More and more clients are finding their way to me seeking guidance and support in clarifying their goals, building a happier more meaningful life, improving their relationships and careers. Together we identify the obstacles holding them back, discover strategies to move forward and recognize their strengths while embracing their unique skills and gifts.
The guidance is shared through messages from guides and higher self. These sessions often feel like Tarot readings without the Tarot tied in with an energetic attunement to clear any energetic blocks allowing them to move into alignment with what they desire more quickly and efficiently.